
TravelToEurope.org is a European travel guide and portal to official resources related to travel and tourism in Europe.

The short web address of the website is TTEU.org, i.e. typing “tteu.org” into the browser will load the home page of “traveltoeurope.org”.

We do not accept unofficial websites. If you have noticed an unofficial page on the portal or if you maintain an official site related to travel and tourism in Europe, please contact us.

TravelToEurope.org is a portal to official travel sites only, namely:

  • Websites of Ministries of Tourism;
  • Websites of travel and tourism-related commissions, committees, councils, information centers, offices, agencies, chambers, boards, etc. maintained by national or local governments or by officially registered non-governmental travel and tourism organizations or in cooperation with such organizations or with central or local governments;
  • Official travel websites of countries maintained by governments;
  • Official travel websites of counties and districts maintained by local governments;
  • Official travel websites of cities maintained by municipalities;
  • Official websites of ski resorts, beach resorts, spa resorts;
  • Official websites of parks, natural attractions, nature reserves;
  • Official websites of tourist attractions;
  • Official websites of museums;
  • Official websites of associations of tour operators, travel agents and other travel and tourism organizations;
  • Official websites of airports;
  • Official websites of national airlines;
  • Official websites of railway agencies.